Requests for Jyutping-annotated Works

Please use this thread to make requests, and to find requests that you’d like to fulfill.

Making a request

To make a request, you must at least provide the following information:

  • link to source
  • copyright of the source
  • genre / collection that this belongs to
  • request type:
    • jyutping annotation
    • voice acting
    • translation (language(s))

You should indicate how you can help.

Fulfilling a request

After fulfilling a request, you should create a new thread under #Cantonese#Repository, and link back to the request. Creating threads in the Repo category will provide a template for the necessary information.


Request: 世界真細小 歌詞 :white_check_mark:

  • link
  • copyright: unknown ( ← this is generally not desirable!)
  • 歌詞 → 兒歌
  • request type:
    • jyutping annotation

The text is provided here:

人人常歡笑 不要眼淚掉
時時懷希望 不必心裏跳
在那人世間 相助共濟

世界真細小 小 小
小得真奇妙 妙 妙
實在真系細世界 嬌小而妙俏
又有陽光照 兼有朗月耀
良朋同歡聚 相依相對笑
萬里難隔阻 心裏情長照

世界真細小 小 小
小得真奇妙 妙 妙
實在真系細世界 嬌小而妙俏

夜裏群星照 反照世事妙
奇妙人間樂 我哋樂遙遙
在那人世間 守望相看

世界真細小 小 小
小得真奇妙 妙 妙
實在真系細世界 嬌小而妙俏

世界真細小 小 小
小得真奇妙 妙 妙
實在真系細世界 嬌小而妙俏

遙遙人相隔 心裏不傷焦
萬里連心路 用愛做長橋
路遙難隔阻 千里共 你我他

世界真細小 小 小
小得真奇妙 妙 妙
實在真系細世界 嬌小而妙俏

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世界真細小 歌詞

The PDF is available here! 世界真細小 歌詞 It's a Small World